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National Vaccination Day

Time: 2017-03-16 10:00:00
HCAS, Chennai
National Vaccination Day

National Vaccination Day

Venue: - Biotechnology Department Gallery -Hindustan College of Arts & Science

EVENT ORGANISER: - Dr. T. Ramesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Hindustan College of Arts & Science


To create awareness for vaccination among the Student population Eco-club, Department of Biotechnology observes NATIONAL VACCINATION DAY.


on 16th March every year. National Immunization Day was first observed on 16th March 1995 when first dose of Oral Polio Vaccine was given. The observance of National Immunization Day is an attempt to enhance awareness for the eradication of polio from planet earth. Every year on this day, millions of children are immunized with the polio vaccine.


Students of B.Sc and M.Sc actively gave their involvement for creating awareness towards significance of Vaccination by making handmade chart works. Around 11 handmade posters were displayed on the Department gallery to emphasize the importance of Vaccination. Pamphlets contain vaccination schedules (for Adults, Children & Pregnant Woman) were distributed to all faculties and students.

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